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The CULTA Blog


two girls sitting by lake

How to Help a Friend Who smoked too much

Someone who gets too high may experience anxiety, paranoia, and other unpleasant symptoms. If you’re ever with a friend who gets too high, here’s how you can help.
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What is Metrc?

Metrc is a cloud-based system that helps states adhere to public health statutes and other laws governing medicinal and recreational cannabis. Learn more.
person holding cannabis leaf up to sky

Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Cannabis’ History

From its origins to its legality, here are seven things you probably didn’t know about the history of cannabis.
green trees in a forest

Carbon Emissions in the Cannabis Industry

Read on for more information on the environmental impact of cannabis production and what CULTA is doing to stay ahead of this issue.

Interview with The High 5 Initiative

Join us as we interview Phil, the Executive Director of The High 5 Initiative.
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The Last Prisoner Project: What You Need to Know

Read on to learn more about the Last Prisoner Project’s mission, impact, and programs, and where CULTA fits into the equation.
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A (Brief) History of Cannabis Legislation in Virginia

If you live in Virginia, here is a chronological look at cannabis legislation in the state, along with some tips on what you can do to support legalization.
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Los criadores detrás de Cookies

En este blog, aprenderás más sobre los criadores detrás de una de las variedades de cannabis más populares del mundo: Cookies.
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The Economic Impact of the Cannabis Industry in Maryland

From the creation of over 4,000 jobs to over $21 million in total tax revenue, it’s clear that the cannabis industry has had a major impact on Maryland’s economy.
cannabis legalization

What You Can Do to Legalize Cannabis in Your State

Most cannabis legalization has been the result of grassroots efforts by people just like you. If you want to change cannabis laws, here’s how you can help.

Similarities Between Craft Breweries and Craft Cultivators

Both craft breweries and craft cultivators invest in their employees and the communities they serve. Learn more about their similarities here.